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400 Bad Requests: 9 Easy and Effective Ways to Overcome It

Have you ever surfed the web and encountered a "400 Bad Request" error? Let's discuss what this message means and how to fix it.

This error code, which is common on the web, appears when a website's server can't understand what your browser is requesting.

However, you don't need to worry because this article will discuss its causes and 9 effective ways to resolve it in detail.

By understanding the issue and taking the right steps, you can quickly get back to uninterrupted online activity. Check out the full explanation below!

What Is a 400 Bad Request?

Error 400 Bad Requests are an HTTP status code that indicates that the request sent by the browser to the web server could not be understood or processed correctly by the server.

It is included in the 4XX status code range, which indicates an error on the user's part. These errors are usually caused by incorrect request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing.

If you encounter this error, the problem can generally be easily resolved, but only the website owner can fix it if it originates from the website server.

HTTP 400 Bad Request Status Type

When the request sent by the user cannot be understood or processed by the server, the user will get an error status.

This error status can vary or even not show the error code itself. Some variations of code 400 HTTP that you may encounter include:

  • 400 - Bad Request. The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client should not repeat the request without modifications.
  • HTTP Error 400
  • HTTP Error 400 - Bad Request
  • The request hostname is invalid.
  • 400 Bad Request
  • Bad Request - Invalid URL
  • 400 Bad Request - Request Header Or Cookie Too Large
  • Bad Request - Error 400
  • Bad Request - Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand

The above error status informs you that there was a problem with the request sent by the user that the server could not understand.

How to Handle 400 Bad Requests?

Now that you understand what 400 bad requests are, it's time to understand how to overcome 400 bad requests. Here are 9 ways to overcome 400 bad requests:

1. Check Internet Connection

First, check if your internet connection is stable and uninterrupted. An unstable or interrupted connection can cause errors when the browser tries to send a request to the server. Therefore, you must make sure that your network is working properly before proceeding.

2. Check the Entered URL

Secondly, you must ensure that the URL entered is correct and valid. Any writing errors or typos in the URL can lead to 400 Bad Request errors.

Carefully double-checking the URL can help ensure that the request sent by the browser to the server is the desired one.

3. Clear Browser Cache

After that, you also need to clear the cache and cookies on your browser. The cache stored in the browser can become outdated or corrupted, causing errors in sending requests to the server.

This helps the browser retrieve the latest version of the web page you are visiting, reducing the chance of errors.

4. Reload Page

In this step, you need to press the refresh button on the browser to reload the page. This helps update the data loaded on the page and ensures that the information displayed is the most up-to-date.

By refreshing the page, you give the browser a chance to resend the request to the server.

5. Use Incognito Mode

After that, you should enable incognito or private mode on your browser. This mode helps isolate issues that may be caused by extensions or caches stored in regular sessions. This ensures that no data or settings interfere with the process of sending requests to the server.

Next, check the size of the headers or cookies sent by the browser. If the error message shows "Request Header Or Cookie Too Large", there may be too much information being sent. Reducing the size of the header or cookie can help fix this problem.

7. Disable Browser Extensions

You also need to temporarily disable all browser extensions. Some extensions may interfere with the process of sending requests to the server. By disabling the extensions, you can isolate the problem and find out if one of them is causing the error.

8. Restart Router or Device

If it is still not resolved, you can restart your router or device to renew the internet connection. Sometimes, the problem is related to an unstable or disconnected internet connection. This helps the device to restart and renew the connection with your internet service provider.

9. Contact the Website Owner

If all the above attempts fail, contact the website owner for further assistance. The error may be related to configuration or server-side issues, which only the website owner or administrator can resolve. By contacting them, you can get further assistance to resolve this issue.

This is the explanation of 400 Bad Request and 9 effective steps to overcome it. Based on the explanation above, it is important to maintain the overall health and performance of your website.

To check this, you can do regular monitoring and evaluation. One of the tools that can help you in working on various SEO activities of a website is Sequence Stat.

Sequence Stat is a website analytics tool that provides various features to monitor and improve your website's SEO performance. With the ability to conduct an in-depth audit of your website, Sequence Stat helps you identify technical issues of SEO performance.

So, don't hesitate to register and optimize your website now!

Last updated on July 1, 2024
by Nur Fadilah Kurnia