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Understanding Informational Keyword and How to Find Them

There are some kinds of keywords that vary based on the user intent, one of which is informational keywords. This type of keyword is quite common, yet almost always has a high competitive level.

However, your SEO content will not be complete without optimizing this kind of keyword. Thus, it is important to learn the characteristics, potential, the challenges, and even how to implement them in your content. In this article, you will learn all of that. So, read to the fullest.

What Is an Informational Keyword?

Informational keywords are specific search terms or phrases that individuals use when they want to gather information, answers to questions, or knowledge on a particular topic. These keywords often indicate that the user's search intent is focused on learning, exploring, or understanding a specific subject, concept, or issue.

Informational keywords are typically used in the early stages of the user's search process when they are looking for educational content rather than specific products or services. They help users find articles, blog posts, tutorials, guides, and other forms of content that provide information and insights.

Examples of informational keywords include search phrases like:

  • "How to tie a tie"
  • "What is climate change?"
  • "Benefits of regular exercise"
  • "History of the Eiffel Tower"
  • "Tips for improving time management"

These keywords are essential in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) and content creation, as they enable website owners and content creators to attract and engage users seeking information, ultimately driving traffic and building authority in their respective niches.

Importance of Informational Keyword in SEO

Informational keywords play a vital role in SEO because they align with the first stage of the user's search intent: information gathering. Below are some benefits you can expect by having informational keywords in your content.

  • Attracting and Engaging Users: Informational keywords are typically used by individuals who are in the early stages of their online journey, seeking knowledge or answers to their questions. By targeting these keywords, websites and content creators can capture the attention of users who are actively looking for information.
  • Nurturing the Customer Journey: Informational content can be a stepping stone in the customer journey. While users initially seek information, they may eventually progress to the consideration and decision stages, where they may require more specific product or service details. By providing valuable informational content, you can guide users through the entire journey.
  • Content Variety: Informational keywords encourage diversity in your content strategy. You can create a wide range of content types, including articles, blog posts, how-to guides, tutorials, infographics, videos, and more. This variety can cater to different learning preferences and engage a broader audience.
  • Long-Term Traffic: Informational content can have a longer shelf life compared to time-sensitive, promotional content. Well-optimized informational articles can continue to attract visitors and generate organic traffic over an extended period.

How to Find Informational Keywords

Finding informational keywords is a crucial part of your content and SEO strategy. Here are steps to help you identify and find informational keywords:

1. Use Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research tools like Sequence Stats Keyword Ideas can help you identify informational keywords. Enter your niche or topic, and these tools will provide a list of relevant keywords.

you can type some of these informational modifiers to get the most relevant keyword with the type "informational"

  • How
  • Guide
  • Tips
  • Where
  • What
  • List
  • Tutorial
  • etc.

Picture 1 - Keyword Ideas in Sequence Stats

2. Google's Autocomplete

Start typing a question or topic in the Google search bar, and you'll see autocomplete suggestions. These suggestions are often derived from common informational queries. Take note of these suggestions.

3. People Also Ask" (PAA) Boxes

When you perform a Google search, you'll often see a "People Also Ask" box with related questions. These questions can be great sources of informational keyword ideas.

How to Optimize Content with Informational Keyword

Optimizing content with informational keywords is essential to ensure that your content ranks well in search engines and effectively provides value to your audience. Here i what you can do to your content with informational keywords:

1. Keyword Placement

Place the chosen informational keyword strategically in your content. Ensure it appears in the following key areas:

  • Title: Include the keyword in the title of your content.
  • Introduction: Introduce the keyword naturally within the opening paragraph.
  • Subheadings: Use the keyword in subheadings throughout the content.
  • Body: Incorporate the keyword naturally within the body text.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the content and mention the keyword.
  • Meta Tags: Optimize the meta title and meta description with the keyword.

2. Answer the User's Query

Ensure that your content directly answers the user's query or provides valuable information related to the keyword. Use clear and concise language to address the topic comprehensively.

3. Quality and Depth

Write in-depth content that thoroughly covers the informational keyword. Provide statistics, examples, and relevant information to make your content authoritative and valuable.

Include internal links to relevant pages on your website to keep users engaged and provide additional resources. Also, consider adding external links to authoritative sources for further reference.

5. Regular Updates

Periodically review and update your content to ensure that it remains accurate and relevant. This can also signal to search engines that your content is current and valuable.

By following these optimization steps, you can create content that effectively targets informational keywords, provides value to your audience, and performs well in search engine rankings.

To help you manage a large amount of your keywords, Sequence Stats is the perfect tool for you. It can accommodate more than just keyword tracking, but also metrics management. So, register yourself and explore all of its features.

Last updated on October 13, 2023
by Tati Khumairoh