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First Input Delay (FID) in SEO and How to Optimize It

As search engines become more sophisticated, various factors influence a website's search ranking. One such factor that has gained prominence in recent years is the First Input Delay (FID) in core web vitals.

In this short article, we will learn more about first input delay in SEO, its score, how to optimize it, and how to audit it with Sequence Stats. To get the most understanding, please read thoroughly.

What is the First Input Delay (FID)?

FID is one of the core web vitals metrics that quantifies the responsiveness of a website when a user interacts with it for the first time. This interaction can be clicking a link, filling out a form, or any other action that requires user input. FID is crucial because it directly impacts user satisfaction and experience on your site.

First Input Delay Score

FID Score focuses specifically on the user's experience when they first interact with a webpage, such as clicking on a link, tapping a button, or filling out a form.

Here's a more detailed explanation of the FID Score:

  • Measurement: FID Score measures the time it takes for a user's initial interaction with a webpage to receive a response. This interaction could be clicking on a navigation menu, submitting a form, or any other action that requires user input.
  • Response Time: The FID Score is typically measured in milliseconds (ms). A lower FID Score indicates a more responsive website, meaning that users experience less delay when interacting with the page. Conversely, a higher FID Score suggests a less responsive website with longer delays.

Scoring Categories

FID Scores are typically categorized into three groups, reflecting the quality of user experience:

  • Good: FID Scores under 100 ms are considered good, indicating a highly responsive and user-friendly website.
  • Needs Improvement: FID Scores between 100 ms and 300 ms suggest that there is room for improvement in website responsiveness.
  • Poor: FID Scores over 300 ms are considered poor and indicate a slow and potentially frustrating user experience.

Why FID Matters for SEO?

Search engines, especially Google, are increasingly focusing on user experience as a ranking factor. Websites that provide a better user experience tend to rank higher in search results. FID is an essential metric in this regard because it directly correlates with how users perceive your site's performance.

When users encounter delays or unresponsiveness on a website, they are more likely to bounce back to the search results and choose another site. A high bounce rate signals to search engines that your website does not meet the user's expectations.

As a result, Google and other search engines may lower your site's ranking, leading to a decrease in organic traffic.

Optimizing FID for Improved SEO

Now that we understand the importance of FID in SEO, let's explore some strategies to optimize it and enhance your website's search ranking:

1. Optimize Server Response Time

To mitigate slow response, invest in a robust web hosting service, employ content delivery networks (CDNs), and ensure efficient server-side scripting.

2. Minimize JavaScript Execution

Excessive or poorly optimized JavaScript can lead to high FID. Consider deferring non-essential JavaScript code or breaking it into smaller chunks to load progressively. This will allow the page to become interactive more quickly.

3. Divide Long Tasks into Smaller Ones

Long tasks, particularly in JavaScript, can obstruct the main thread, leading to delays in user interactions. Dividing these tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks is a proactive approach. By doing so, no single task hinders the user experience.

4. Implement Progressive Loading

Progressive loading is a performance technique that prioritizes the loading and rendering of visible content before other elements. This approach significantly enhances FID by allowing users to engage with the page as quickly as possible.

5. Use a Web Worker

Web workers offer a powerful solution for offloading resource-intensive tasks from the main thread. This prevents these tasks from blocking user interactions. Some ways to leverage web workers include:

  • Moving tasks that don't require direct interaction with the DOM or user interface to a web worker. This keeps the main thread free for user interactions.
  • Using web workers to perform background calculations and data processing, ensuring a smoother user experience.

6. Optimize Your Page for Interaction Readiness

A user's first interaction with a webpage should be met with swift responsiveness. Prioritizing elements and interactivity that users are likely to engage with immediately can significantly enhance FID.

7. Conduct an Audit

Regular performance audits are vital to identify areas of improvement. These audits help pinpoint issues such as long tasks, large or unoptimized resources, and third-party scripts causing delays. To conduct an effective performance audit, utilize tools like Google Lighthouse, which is integrated into theSequence Stats Site Audit feature to assess your website's performance.

Picture 1 - Site udit using Lighthouse in Sequence Stats
Picture 1 - Site udit using Lighthouse in Sequence Stats

Address the issues identified during the audit promptly to optimize FID continually. This way, you can improve the FID score.


First Input Delay (FID) is a critical aspect of web performance that significantly influences user satisfaction and SEO rankings. By implementing the strategies outlined in this article, web developers and site owners can improve overall website performance.

Get yourself an SEO tool that can help you do the audit process to inspect core web vitals issues. Register to Sequence Stats and enjoy the free trial for a year!

Last updated on October 31, 2023
by Tati Khumairoh