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Team Management System

Using Sequence, users can create or join multiple teams at once. The team management system allows you to manage the division of roles and rights access of team members based on the domain properties contained in the team. The following is a brief explanation of team management in Sequence.


There are several features that support the team management process in Sequence, namely:

Displaying Team Member List

Sequence displays a table that contains team members as well as actions that can be taken such as suspending or deleting team members. Equipped with search options, filter data based on role and status, as well as pagination to make it easier for users to view and search for team members.

Adding Team Members

Adding team members is easy in this tool. Users can add team members via the Add Collaborator option by sending an invitation email. Through these options, team owners and admins can set the roles as needed.

In addition, there is also an option to add members via token code (unique id). Members who join using a unique id are set as a member (viewer) by default, however, the role can be adjusted by the owner or admin later on. Before adding team members, please read the description of access rights and user roles first.

The maximum number of members in a team depends on the type of your subscription plan. The conditions for the maximum number of members in a team are as follows:

  • Free trial maximum of 5 members in one team.
  • Personal plan maximum of 10 members in one team.
  • Agency plan a maximum of 35 members in one team.
  • Enterprise plan has unlimited members in a team.
  • Custom plan has unlimited members in a team.

Changing Team Member's Roles

Users who are authorized to manage the team can change the roles of lower-level members. Available role options such as admin, member (editor), and member (viewer). If the role is changed, then the access rights owned by the member will also change based on the assigned role.

Let's say you are the team owner, then you can change the role of each member. However, if you are an admin, then you cannot change the owner's role because your role is lower than the owner's. Admins can only change the roles of team members who are members (viewers) or members (editors).

Blocking Team Members

Users who have the right to manage the team can restrict the activities of other team members by blocking team members who have lower roles. For example, an admin can only block members who have the role of a member (viewer) or a member (editor) of a team.

It will cause the blocked member to temporarily lost access to the team. Blocked member accounts can be reactivated in the Team Management menu.

Removing Team Members

Only users with team management privileges can remove members from lower-tier teams. For example, an admin can only remove members (viewers) or members (editors) from a team. The team member will permanently lose access to the team if removed from the team.

User Access Rights

Access rights are used to define the limits of the actions that can be performed by the user. Therefore, you can keep data safe within your team because only authorized people can access your property. Before defining user roles, you need to understand the following share of permissions to ensure the user has performed the right actions:

Access RightsDescription
Full AccessFull access rights to all modules and features available in Sequence, so users can manage domain data, access payment modules, manage teams and user roles. This full access is only granted to the team owner. Meanwhile, the admins have full but limited access, because they have been able to access all modules except the payment module.
EditorEditor access rights can only be used to modify or manage data related to views and keywords in domains that are authorized by the owner (full access).
ViewerViewer access rights are limited to viewing analytical data regarding views and keywords in domains that are authorized by the owner (full access).

User Role

A team at Sequence consists of 1 owner with several team members in it. Users in a team have different access rights and abilities according to their respective roles. The role of users in the team is divided into three roles, namely:


The user who creates a new team will automatically become the team owner. The owner has full access rights to the Sequence system including full access to manage existing domains in the team, access payment modules, and perform team management (add team members, grant domain permissions, and manage user access rights).


Admin is a team member added by the owner and given access rights to manage 1 or more domains. This role can manage team members and perform data management related to domains, views, and keywords. However, admins can only manage data on domains that are given access by the owner.

User Member (Viewer / Editor)

User member is a user added by the owner/admin to a team. This role can also join several other teams. The access rights that are owned are limited only to the domains permitted by the owner/admin. User members are divided into two with different access rights:

  • User Member (Editor) can manage domain data, views, and keywords.
  • User Member (Viewer) can only view data related to domains, views, and keywords.

Having team management helps you share access rights and user roles in the team. Therefore, you can ensure the right actions are performed by the right roles. Once you understand team management, you can manage your team now! If you need our assistance, please send us a message via email at and our team will be happy to assist you.

Last updated on December 6, 2022
by Sequence Support